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IC690ACC901:RS232/SNP interface GE 90 series PLC adapter

Market price: $300 USD Our Price: $48 (USD) €38.88 (EUR) £32.64 (GBP) $58.56 (CAD) $72 (AUD)
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Product Description

IC690ACC901:RS232/SNP interface GE 90 series PLC programming cab


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RS232/SNP interface GE 90 series PLC programming cable,3 meters.Two shape:injection moulding integral structure and adapter with communication indicator.

Not isolated,so it doesn't support hot plug,if need isolated cable,pls choose IC690ACC901+,you can click the following website for IC690ACC901+:



The IC690ACC901 SNP to RS232 Adapter is equipped with two ports.The 15-pin "SNP" port plugs directly into the PLC programmer port on the CPU rack power supply.The 9-pin RS232 port connects to any RS232 device.


The quality is guaranteed.It's tested before shippment.Not made by GE,OEM product as the replacement.

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