ASILUFC5 - ASILUFC51 AS-i Communication Module
The AS-i ASILUFC5 or extended ASILUFC51 communication module connects the . Used with the Master PLC interface TSXSAY 1000 and to retain interchangeability . ->
ASILUF, модуль связи AS-i
TSXSAY 1000. and to retain interchangeability compatibility . TSXSAY 1000. PLC interface. 12. 01-2003. AS-i. Te. Sys. model U communication module. ENGLISH . ->
PDF] A winner
equipment synchronization, I/O distribution, etc. . AS-Interface. TSXSAY.?? CANopen. TSXCPP110. Fipio. TSXP57 PCM- CIA card. Uni-Telway. TSXP57 PCM . ->