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    boolean methods

    Time:2009-12-24 16:18From:Elec_Intro Editor:Tiny Click:
    Boolean algebra (introduction) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The boolean method converts the value of object1 to Boolean, and returns true or . method always returns Boolean false. The lang method returns Boolean true . -> Boolean (Jav
    boolean methods

    Boolean algebra (introduction) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The boolean method converts the value of object1 to Boolean, and returns true or . method always returns Boolean false. The lang method returns Boolean true . ->
    boolean methods

    Boolean (Java 2 Platform SE 5.0)
    . this class provides many methods for converting a boolean to a String and a . If a new Boolean instance is not required, this method should generally be used . Show Enhanced Format for this Resultjava.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/lang/Boolean.html - CachedMore on Boolean Connectors .. ->
    boolean methods

    Enum.Parse Method (Type, String, Boolean) (System)
    Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or more . Enum.Parse Method (Type, String, Boolean) Updated: December 2008 . ->
    boolean methods

    FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage Method (String, Boolean .
    Redirects an authenticated user back to the originally requested URL or the default URL. . to the method is the name to assign to the user, and the second is . ->
    boolean methods

    Comparative Methods
    The Boolean methods have several shortcomings. . The Boolean methods are designed specifically for analyses involving limited numbers of cases. . ->
    boolean methods

    Application of Boolean Methods for Comparative Research
    Application of Boolean Methods of Qualitative Comparison . but simply to show how Boolean methods elaborate his configurational approach. . ->
    boolean methods

    API: dom YAHOO.util.Dom (YUI Library)
    overrides (optional) Whether or not to override the scope of "method" with "o" . ancestor that passes the test applied by supplied boolean method. . ->
    boolean methods

    Boolean (Flex 3.3)
    . variable of type Boolean and then uses the toString() method to convert the . this method works, and also shows that the value of a new Boolean object is . ->
    boolean methods
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