Boolean logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These operations receive the name of boolean operations, a word that comes from . These are the 4 basic boolean operations (AND, OR, XOR and NOT) . ->
Boolean algebra (logic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This tutorial will introduce you to 3-dimensional Boolean operations in 3DS MAX. . Click OK to generate three new copies of the Boolean. . ->
Boolean operations - Boolean operators - Venn Diagrams - AND OR NOT
Venn Diagrams and Boolean Operations. Historical Notes: . (The gray shading represents the outcome of the Boolean operation) Description . ->
Doc:Manual/Modifiers/Mesh/Booleans - BlenderWiki
Boolean operations are a method of combining or subtracting . A boolean operation never affects the original objects, the result is always a new object. . ->
Boolean FAQ
An attempt to unlock the mysteries of Boolean Operations. . Using a Boolean operation only speeds things up by making it one procedure – when it works. ->
www.form· | products - form·Z: Boolean operations
AutoDesSys, Inc is the software company that publishes the award-winning 3D . Boolean operations. ? Trimming, splitting, and stitching. ? 2D and 3D sections . ->
Boolean Operations on Parts
Following a Boolean operation, components of a part lose their IntelliShape identities. . To use a Boolean operation to create a single part from multiple parts: . ->
MaxED - Booleans
Boolean operations . In a Boolean operation there are always two objects involved. . The Boolean dialog pops up with the radio button selector ready on the . ->