Logical connective - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
. the use of the Boolean operators OR, AND, and NOT (or . with one Boolean operator . in searches with more than one Boolean operator . ->
Boolean logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boolean Searching on the Internet Has Moved! Please point your browser to the new location. http://www.internettutorials.net/boolean.asp . ->
Boolean Operators
Boolean Operators. Boolean operators define the relationships between words . Note: Depending on how the Boolean Operator AND is used with the Keyword Field . ->
Boolean Operators
Discusses how to use boolean operators or boolean logic to increase effectiveness of online searches. . USING BOOLEAN OPERATORS . ->
4. Boolean searching -- the operators AND, AND NOT, OR
Pandia Goalgetter - Introduction to advanced Boolean searching and operators . Here's how your order will look using Boolean operators: . ->
What is Boolean operator? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia .
This page describes the term Boolean operator and lists other pages on the Web where you can . Boolean operators are used widely in programming and also in . ->
Boolean, proximity and truncation searching Help - EEBO
. your search terms using the following special keywords, called Boolean operators: . Using parentheses with Boolean operators . Proximity operators . ->