Detecting Anomalies in Inter- hosts Communication Graph
Communication pattern between hosts. ? Can be represented as graph. ? Communication graphs for . Periodically generate communication graph from observed . ->
Discovering Hidden Groups in Communication Networks
What properties of this evolving random communication graph will . in the context of two random graph models for the communication network. . ->
On Hidden Groups in Communication Networks
The communication graph for a particular society at a particular time step has an edge . of this randomly evolving communication graph will change if . ->
On Signatures for Communication Graphs
on communication graphs associated with telephone calls, emails, . A communication graph is de?ned by the observed patterns . ->
EEMCS EPrints Service - 8079 Independent and Dominating Sets in .
In a communication graph, an independent set consists of vertices that cannot . The characterization of wireless communication graphs by the bounded growth . ->
On-Chip Communication Synthesis: Topology and Protocol Optimization
The notion of communication graph is independent on the. level of abstraction. . graph is used to specify the communication requirements . ->
Stabilization of Planar Collective Motion With Limited Communication
exchange relative information according to a communication graph . Encoding the communication constraints in a graph, we pro . ->
A Graph Theoretic Framework for Preventing the Wormhole Attack in .
. always result in a communication graph with increased number . Any candidate solution to the wormhole problem should construct a communication graph G . ->
Minimum Power Assignment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Spanner Property
wireless node such that the induced communication graph has some required properties. . the original communication graph when all nodes have the maximum . ->
Connected K-Coverage Problem in Sensor Networks
. nodes that form a connected communication. graph and also provide . a ?xed communication graph (as de?ned . communication graph of the initial sensor . ->