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Industrial Computers & Information Technology . C20-SATA Single/Dual-Drive Module Option . HD Audio & DVI Video & Hard Disk Mezzanine Expansion Module . ->
cPCI, Compact PCI , cPCI Carriers, cPCI Modules, cPCI mezzanine, cPCI .
(IndustryPack, PMC, PC*MIP, PCI, cPCI, VME) . PIM Parallel IO PIM-PMC Interface Module, cPCI. PIM Universal IO PIM - Interface Module for cPCI . ->
cPCI IP compact PCI cPCI4IP cPCI Industrypack IP module carrier adapter .
The cPCI4IP carrier, adapter, converter adds 4 Industrypack ( IP ) slots to your . IP-DEBUG-BUS IP module extender specialized for debugging . ->
North Atlantic Industries - cPCI 55LQ2
North Atlantic Industries designs and manufactures DSP-based intelligent boards and . 3U cPCI Multifunction 2 Module I/O & Communication. 6U cPCI 78CS2 . ->
The CPCI‐4SIP‐PLX 6U module provides a high‐performance flexible I/O scheme, that support . block. CPCI-RPIO-HDR. 6U Rear I/O inter-connect module for up . ->
XPedite6032 - Extreme Engineering Solutions
Conduction or Air Cooled 3U cPCI Module Based on the Freescale PowerPC 7447A Processor . can be built as a system or peripheral cPCI module (specify when ordering) . ->
AMi3100 6U cPCI Carrier for M-Modules
The AMi3100 M-Module Carrier for Compact PCI (cPCI) bus features a compact high-performance PCI bus gateway to the four (4) M-Module interfaces. ->
VX407C Intelligent PXI/cPCI Carrier
. VXI Carrier that allows PXI and cPCI modules to be used in VXI systems. . The carrier supports two 3U PXI or cPCI modules or one 6U PXI or cPCI module. . ->
Data Patterns . The DP-cPCI-4149 is a 192 x 4 / Dual 96 x 4, cPCI High Density . It is implemented as a 6U cPCI module, featuring front panel and rear I . ->