PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: PostgreSQL 8.0: Creating a Database
CREATE DATABASE . as postgres and intialise the database with: initdb . mind by default you are not "postgres" but XXX, so the database doesn't know you! . ->
CREATE DATABASE creates a new Postgres database. . Creating Postgres database system directory /home/olly/private_db/base: $ psql olly . ->
How to create a database in PostgreSQL
See an example of how you can create a Postgres database in console mode. . How to create databases in PosgreSQL via the Web Hosting Control Panel. Database Hosting . ->
Convert histdata_db to PostgreSQL
PROCEDURE TO CREATE POSTGRES VERSION OF HISTDATA DATABASE . database as oper, and execute the following commands to create the postgres . ->
. where the creation of a new database failed because a postgres job was running . database must not be in use by another user when attempting to create a . ->
Database-SQL-RDBMS HOW-TO document for Linux (PostgreSQL Object .
. sense to re-create from scratch another database system which satisfies ANSI/ISO . Illustra database was based on Postgres (earlier version of PostgreSQL) . ->
create the table : postgres " Database " Ruby
create the table : postgres " Database " Ruby. Ruby. 1. ActiveRecord. 2. Array. 3. CGI . Ruby " Database " postgres. create the table. require 'dbi' . ->
Gentoo Linux Documentation -- PostgreSQL Guide
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres" . createdb -U postgres -W test Password: CREATE DATABASE . ->
Creating a Postgres database
Updating/creating our postgres database . Creating the database cluster directory. cd /phenix/db. mkdir data. Creating and installing the databases. initdb . ->
Create Users and Databases in PostgreSQL - How to do these simple .
Create Users and Databases in PostgreSQL - How to do these . postgres=# CREATE DATABASE softpedia. postgres-# OWNER softpedia. postgres-# TEMPLATE template0 . ->