Quantum cryptography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For symmetric cryptography it's not that dire: A quantum computer would . Maybe quantum cryptography can make that link stronger, but why would anyone bother? . ->
Quantum Computation/Cryptography at Los Alamos
. Los Alamos on Quantum Computation and Cryptography as well as related . People doing Quantum Computation/Cryptography at Los Alamos. Theory at Los Alamos . ->
Bibliography of Quantum Cryptography
Annotated bibliography of papers that have been written on quantum cryptography and related topics. ->
Quantum Cryptography
Summarized Publication and Citation Data from ISI? for the Analysis of Research Trends & Performance in Quantum Cryptography. ->
Quantum Cryptography < Information Security < Technology Services | BBN .
You are here: BBN > Technology Services > Information Security > Quantum Cryptography . Quantum cryptography, invented by Charles Bennet and Giles Brassard in 1984, . ->
Quantum Cryptography
Quantum cryptography exploits this effect to allow two parties who have never . Quantum techriiques also assist in the achievement of subtler cryptographic . ->
Quantum Information Science and Technology Roadmapping Project
Quantum Cryptography Roadmap. The purpose of the quantum . Section 6.4: Entangled-Photon Pair Implementations for QKD and Quantum Cryptography (PDF) . ->
What is quantum cryptography? - a definition from Whatis.com
'Quantum cryptography' uses the limits of our current knowledge of physics to . MIT's Technology Review has an article about a quantum cryptography network. . ->
First quantum cryptographic data network demoed
The magic of quantum cryptography lies in the fact that not only can two parties . NorthwesternUniversity, quantum cryptography, QuantumCryptography, security . ->