EEPROM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
EEPROM is short for: Meaning Category Electrically Erasable Programmable . Each EEPROM device typically has its own set of OP-Code instructions to map to . ->
Protected EEPROM Operations in MAXQ Environments - Maxim
Inexpensive serial EEPROM devices can be used to provide a memory subsystem that . In all EEPROM devices write cycles take significantly longer than read cycles. . ->
Let's build a toy Thumb Drive!
The EEPROM device which we are using, the 512 byte Atmel 24C04A, supports the I2C protocol. . The receiver (EEPROM device) will transmit an acknowledgment . ->
eeprom(1M) – EEPROM display and load utility (man pages section 1M .
Specifies the console device. Possible values are ttya, ttyb, and text. . eeprom output-device=/dev/term/a. On an x86 machine: # eeprom console=ttya . ->
General Device Instruments Web Site
IC Device programmers. Universal and Gang programmers for Pld, Flash, microcontrollers, Proms, EEproms, Memory, Epld, Mach and many other ic devices. ->
SEEQ EEPROM Reliability Requirements
Cross-sections of EEPROM memory storage devices are shown in Figure 1. . The DESC EEPROM device specifications for Standard Military Drawing (SMD) and . ->
Atmel Products - Nonvolatile Memory - Serial EEPROM
. to other NVM solutions, Serial EEPROM devices offer a lower pin count, smaller . is the leading supplier of Serial EEPROM devices supporting 2-wire, 3-wire, and . ->
Integrate Serial EEPROM & Flash Devices to Reduce Costs
This page describes the benefits that hardware architects can derive by integrating FLash and Serial EEPROM memory into MAX II CPLDS ->
EEPROM devices tout 1.5V operating voltage
Microchip Technology Inc. has announced a series of I2C EEPROM devices with the lowest operating voltage available on the market. The 24VLXX series of devices has . ->