Embedded.com - Embedded x86 Programming: Protected Mode
Welcome to Embedded.com, the on-line resource for embedded systems developers. . The x86 is expected to seriously affect the embedded systems market for the . ->
Embedded.com - Advanced Embedded x86 Programming: Paging
Welcome to Embedded.com, the on-line resource for embedded systems developers. . Note that a page size on an x86 is always 4K and a page entry is always 32 bits . ->
Coding Relic: Embedded + CPU != x86
. which push embedded systems towards non-x86 CPUs. Volume Discounts . AMD and Intel have both dabbled with embedded derivatives of x86 chips over the years. . ->
AMD - X86: The Superior Platform for Embedded Communications Systems
. Us. Processors. ATI Products. Embedded Solutions. Support & Drivers . Design with AMD. X86: The Superior Platform for Embedded Communications Systems. B . ->
In our previous White Paper on the Embedded x86 Processor Performance . performance of high-end embedded x86 processors using well-recognized. benchmarks. . ->
NetX86 - Manufacturer of Embedded X86 Single Board Computers
NetX86 - Accessories NetX86 Single Board Computers NetX86 VOIP ecommerce, open source, embedded, manufacturer, x86, single board, computers ->
Low Cost Embedded x86 Teaching Tool
. tool for teaching embedded system in the x86 processor architecture based on . ground for the students to learn embedded system development in x86 platform. . ->
General Software, Inc.
. solutions, enabling development of specialized devices in embedded, telecommunications, data . Embedded x86 Firmware? Solutions Overview Brochure (PDF) . ->
Wikipedia: X86 Architecture
EMBEDDED BIOS BY General Software Provides Rapid x86 Development . x86 embedded firmware. The Embedded BIOS? firmware adaptation kit allows embedded x86 . ->