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    frs replica set configuration

    Time:2009-01-17 10:41From:Elec_Intro Editor:Tiny Click:
    Recovering missing FRS objects and FRS attributes in Active Directory File Replication service (FRS) is a multi-threaded, multi-master replication . the Domain Controller dc1.a.com for FRS replica set configuration information. . -> Using t
    frs replica set configuration

    Recovering missing FRS objects and FRS attributes in Active Directory
    File Replication service (FRS) is a multi-threaded, multi-master replication . the Domain Controller dc1.a.com for FRS replica set configuration information. . ->
    frs replica set configuration

    Using the BurFlags registry key to reinitialize File Replication .
    If the event is not logged, there is a problem with the FRS configuration. . if you must recover an FRS replica set where replication has completely stopped . ->
    frs replica set configuration

    Deploying a New Replica Set: Storage Services; Remote File Systems .
    If you are deploying a new replica set, use the "FRS Configuration Worksheet" (Sdcfsv_2.xls) that was completed by the file services design team to begin . ->
    frs replica set configuration

    Troubleshooting File Replication Service
    Show the FRS configuration in Active Directory. List the active replica sets in a domain. . to participate in the replica set and FRS event ID 13509 will be . ->
    frs replica set configuration

    The ins and outs of the Windows File Replication Service
    A replica set's consistency is maintained by FRS. Initial master. . in minutes before FRS polls Active Directory after configuration changes. . ->
    frs replica set configuration

    Download details: Ultrasound - Monitoring and Troubleshooting Tool for .
    . track of changes to the FRS configuration or tasks they performed in . To monitor members of an FRS replica set, you must install the Ultrasound WMI . ->
    frs replica set configuration

    TechNet Webcast: Migrating File Replication Service Replica Sets to .
    . which FRS replica sets to migrate and how to collect FRS configuration settings. . the old FRS replica set configuration and the associated FRS system folders. . ->
    frs replica set configuration

    Event ID 13562 Source NtFrs . for FRS replica set configuration information. . remove the Dfs root replica and all Dfs folder . ->
    frs replica set configuration

    Enjoying Being Alone, 孤独的在Microsoft里漫步 : How to rebuild and replicate .
    Only one member of an FRS replica set should be initialized with the D4 setting. . the FRS with the Burflags registry entry set to D4, the configuration is . ->
    frs replica set configuration

    FRS-Version-GUID Attribute (Windows)
    If present, changing this value indicates a configuration change has been made on this replica set. . NTFRS-Replica-Set. Windows Server 2003 R2. Link-Id . ->
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