SPI Bus: Theory and Implementation
SPI stands for "Serial to Peripheral Interface", and it is a hardware and . Many microcontrollers have built-in SPI Bus hardware modules, but I was never . ->
Serial Peripheral Interface Bus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is an expanded draft of the article published in the July 2005 issue of . The MAXQ2000 hardware SPI unit provides SCLK, MOSI, and MISO, but not SS . ->
The Reed Electronics Group
Motorola first included a hardware-SPI port in the 68HC11 family of . The hardware-SPI port features MSB- or LSB-first data transfer, and bit-banging . ->
SPI on a pic without hardware SPI? [Archive] - MEL PICBASIC Forum
[Archive] SPI on a pic without hardware SPI? mel PIC BASIC Pro . with SD cards, ALFAT SD and SPI peripherals without hardware implementation. . ->
AVR303: SPI-UART Gateway
device, and allows all of the configurable parameters of the hardware SPI module . ATmega8 and other AVRs that utilize the hardware SPI module. The two resulting . ->
SPI Class
SPI Properties. MSDN Library. Mobile and Embedded Development. Windows Embedded . The .NET Micro Framework References. Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware. SPI Class . ->
AN300 - SPI F-RAM SPI Bus Compatibility Note
explanation of the SPI modes and the differences in . contain built-in hardware SPI ports. Some of these . For microcontrollers equipped with a hardware SPI . ->