Boolean (Java Platform SE 6)
implements Serializable, Comparable
Java Practices -> Implementing hashCode
Concise presentations of java programming practices, tasks, and conventions, . private boolean fIsDecrepit; private char fRating; private int fNumApartments; . ->
HashCodeBuilder (Lang 2.3 API)
. implementing Object.hashCode() methods. . name; int age; boolean smoker; . public int hashCode() { // you pick a hard . Append a hashCode for a boolean. . ->
HashCodeBuilder (Commons Lang 2.4 API)
. enables a good hashCode method to be . name; int age; boolean smoker; . public int hashCode() { // you pick a hard . Append a hashCode for a boolean. . ->
BlackBerry JDE 4.6.0 API Reference: Class Boolean
The Boolean object corresponding to the . hashCode() Returns a hash code for this Boolean object. String. toString . hashCode in class Object. Returns: . ->
Equals and Hash Code in Java
equals and hashCode methods in Java . public boolean equals(Object obj) public int hashCode . documentation says about the hashCode method of Object class . ->
Boolean (Sun SPOT API [Green])
The Boolean object corresponding to the . hashCode() Returns a hash code for this Boolean object. String. toString . hashCode in class Object. Returns: . ->
Boolean (Java 2 Platform SE v1.5.0)
implements Serializable, Comparable