Hashtable (Java Platform SE 6)
. copy of this hashtable. boolean. contains(Object value) . public boolean containsKey(Object key) Tests if the specified object is a key in this hashtable. . Show Enhanced Format for this Resultjava.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Hashtable.html - 57k - CachedHashTableIs the HashTable open? boolean. lock() Lock the underlying file for exclusive access. . public boolean isClosed() Is the HashTable closed? Returns: . ->

RIM Device Java Library: Class ContentProtectedHashtable
ContentProtectedHashtable(Hashtable hashtable, boolean protect) . protect - a boolean indicating whether or not to encrypt the values of the hashtable. . ->

Hashtable (GNU Classpath 0.95 Documentation)
Returns a shallow clone of this Hashtable. boolean. contains(Object value) . boolean. equals(Object o) Returns true if this Hashtable equals the supplied Object o. . ->
Returns a shallow clone of this Hashtable. boolean. contains(Object value) . boolean. equals(Object o) Returns true if this Hashtable equals the supplied Object o. . ->

Hashtable (SunSPOT API V3.0)
boolean. isEmpty() Tests if this hashtable maps no keys to values. . public boolean containsKey(Object key) Tests if the specified object is a key in this . ->

Hashtable (Sun SPOT API [Green])
Clears this hashtable so that it contains no keys. boolean. contains(Object value) Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable. boolean . ->

Java Hashtable Example
. Hashtable Example. This Java Hashtable Example describes how Java Hashtable . Hashtable's contains method returns boolean depending upon the presense of the . ->

: Class Hashtable
a clone of the hashtable. boolean. contains(Object value) copy-> .contains . copy->