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    ia32 machine

    Time:2010-01-29 20:49From:Elec_Intro Editor:Tiny Click:
    x86-64 Machine-Level Programming IA32 is the platform of choice for most Windows and Linux machines. . Itanium machines can execute IA32 code in a compatibility mode but not . -> CS 213 IA32/Linux Documentation IA32 and Pentium III document
    ia32 machine

    x86-64 Machine-Level Programming
    IA32 is the platform of choice for most Windows and Linux machines. . Itanium machines can execute IA32 code in a compatibility mode but not . ->
    ia32 machine

    CS 213 IA32/Linux Documentation
    IA32 and Pentium III documentation . to machines running Intel IA32 (popularly known . Our own Handout #2 on Machine-Level Programs on Linux/IA32 (pdf, ps) . ->
    ia32 machine

    Jello: a retargetable Just-In-Time compiler for LLVM bytecode
    example, Figure 2 shows a case where IA32 machine code . The IA32 machine code emitter and . For purposes of register allocation, the IA32 machine de . ->
    ia32 machine

    The CALL/RET Instructions and the Stack
    machine level. . To understand why the ia32 does not use this technique, . of some simple ia32 machine language programs. Now we will expand the kind of C . ->
    ia32 machine

    Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online | Column: The 64-Bit .
    IA32 machines can address only 232 bytes of memory (about 4GB) . When you start an IA32 machine, it goes through a complicated ballet trying to . ->
    ia32 machine

    AlternateCrossCompilation2 - IA64wiki
    Transfer the files.tgz file to the IA32 machine where you will build the cross-compiler. The following steps are executed on an IA32 machine: . ->
    ia32 machine

    IA32 Instruction Set
    assembly language to machine code. Some IA32 assemblers allow you to do this: add %eax,%ebx . IA32. 23. Machine code issues. For instructions that include an . ->
    ia32 machine

    The Larceny Project -- Download (Petit)
    For Intel IA32 machines (including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X) or SPARC/Solaris machines, we therefore recommend Larceny/IA32 be used instead of Petit Larceny. . ->
    ia32 machine

    Processor Supplementary Capabilities
    . to compile the C code on an IA32 machine and then translate the instructions . an IA32 machine would handle this instruction and then design our Y86 machine to . ->
    ia32 machine
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