Getting Started with JXTA, Part 3 | O'Reilly Media
. from JXTA in a Nutshell, learn how to configure a JXTA application. . called the JXTA configurator tool, and it's a basic feature of the JXTA platform. . ->
TWiki . Jxta . ExtConfig
A Configurator provides the ability instantiate and persist JXTA configuration . The Configurator serves primarily as a JXTA Configuration Bean, or property . ->
TWiki . Jxta . ExtConfigurator
import net.jxta.peergroup.Configurator; import net.jxta.impl.protocol. . trivial Configurator implementation can be found in the "JXTA Extention" package . ->
Configurator (Project JXTA 20031215 J2SE)
java.lang.Object net.jxta.ext.config.Configurator. All Implemented Interfaces: . A JXTA configurator. Configurator serves primarily as a JXTA property sheet . ->
Configurator (Project JXTA 20031215 J2SE)
java.lang.Object net.jxta.util.config.Configurator. Deprecated. . Constructor for the Configurator object . and persist a JXTA Peer Advertisement as . ->
Configurator (Project JXTA 2.0 J2SE)
java.lang.Object net.jxta.util.config.Configurator. public class Configurator . Construct and persist a JXTA Peer Advertisement as constructed in the . ->
Configurator (Project JXTA J2SE Reference Implementation)
A JXTA configurator. Configurator serves primarily as a JXTA property sheet and . home - jxta home. name - peer name. password - peer password. Configurator . ->
1.4 JXTA Configurator . option) the JXTA Configurator window will appear to . The JXTA Configurator window allows advanced users to edit these settings. . ->
JXTA in a Nutshell: Chapter 2: Getting Started with JXTA
We explain the configurator in detail later in . The JXTA configurator tool . JXTA 1.0 using HTTP; it's important to set the fields of the configurator . ->
ongoing · Just Enough JXTA
. dorky "Configurator" program that popped up the first time you ran a JXTA app. . jxta.ext.config.AbstractConfigurator; 8 import net.jxta.ext.config. . ->