LRP Store - LARP Costume, Weapons, Accessories and Kit with worldwide .
Buy larp armour, lrp weapons, leather armour, latex foam weapons, costume scabbards, leather vambraces and a whole range of live action role playing items from LRP . ->
LARP / LRP Weapons --- LRP Store - LARP Costume, Weapons, Accessories .
The most commonly used LARP Weapons are Swords, Daggers, Range (Bows and . LARP / LRP Weapons. Axes & Percussion. Bows, Arrows, Quivers. Daggers. Staves & Spears . ->
Cheap and cheerful LRP weapons and props. Weapons aren't the best quality, but they are the cheapest around. Pagga LRP Community . ->
Event Info on Weapons
. all of your LRP weapons and armour checked by LT weapons checking staff for . No weapons or armour can be used at our events without having passed our . ->
Here Be Dragons - The LRP Resource
An LRP resource page, including weapon construction, costume, prosthetics . A selection of the weapons and other LRP equipment that have been made by Second . ->
lrp_uk: OK. here's the good news of today.I've h
Now obviously this may harm some manufacturers of lrp weapons in the UK – good. . The UK LRP makers need to embrace these new weapons they can't compete. . ->
Darkblade suppliers of leather armour, larp weapons, larp costume, medieval shirts, body armour, larp armour, latex weapons, leather pouches, scabbards, vambraces, . ->
LRP Weapons
I've only got a limited amount of time available for inhaling noxious glue and . The idea is simple - I like making interesting things, and if I . Email me . ->
lrp store
LRP Store - LARP Costume, Weapons, Accessories and Kit with . | view site > . larp armour, lrp weapons, leather armour, latex foam weapons, costume scabbards, . ->
UK Live Action Roleplaying
. it's UK oriented and LRP related, you are welcome to . lrp throwing weapons,accessories . throwing weapons and accessories for all larp/lrp players, and . ->