ELK-MM443 Magic Module
The Magic Module? (ELK-MM443) is a four analog or digital input, four relay . The Magic Module? supports transmitting and receiving commands from two way X-10 . ->
ELK-MK485 Programming Manual
Cyberhouse enables the user to either use the Magic Module system . Magic Module is available on the CD that accompanies the MK400S Development Kit. . ->
"Magic Modules" by the Wizard of MLM
Wizard of MLM Magic Modules Nikken Training . Click Here to learn what Nikken leaders are saying about the Wizard's Magic Modules . ->
Magic Module
The test is made based upon the current state recorded in the Magic Module. . The Magic Module does not have any direct support for this and the solution that . ->
Elk Products
The Magic Module is a small, yet powerful, piece of automation gear. . worked with the Magic Module in the past, . Temperature sensor for the Magic Module . ->
Magic-Surge Protector
Magic Introduces New Concept Product Combined with Surge . Other MAGIC Module Product Series. Solid State Power Controller(SSPC) Solid State Relay(SSR) . ->
Magic Modules - The home of Buddy API
This version adds support for Director 11 with Unicode file names. The Xtra can be used in any Director version from MX on. . ? 2008 - Magic Modules Pty Ltd . ->
The ELK Magic Module? Series: Overview
Then, download your program into the Magic Module and you're ready to run! . Note: You must have the ELK-MK400 or the ELK-MK485 Kit to program a Magic Module? . ->
ELK-MM220 Magic Module? 2-In / 2-Out Controller
ELK MM220 Magic Module 2 In 2 Out Controller The Magic Module ELK MM220 is a two digital input two form C relay output programmable controller It may be used as a . ->