Securimage PHP CAPTCHA - Free PHP Captcha Script
Securimage is an open-source free PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes to protect forms from spam and abuse. ->
Download | Securimage PHP Captcha
Download the latest version of Securimage PHP CAPTCHA here . Securimage PHP Captcha. Home. Download. Documentation. F.A.Q.. CAPTCHA Gallery. Try Securimage . ->
. PHP Library provides a simple way to place a CAPTCHA on your PHP website, . First, we'll add code to display the CAPTCHA: . ->
Captcha Creator - PHP Script Package
Professional PHP Captcha Script that generates unique captcha images to stop automated submissions, highly customizable, easy to install and configure. ->
Creating a CAPTCHA with PHP
Simple PHP-CAPTCHA, (2006-07-13) Moving Presentation Logic Out of Views with Code Igniter . Creating a CAPTCHA with PHP - Sending SMS Thru HTTP - The Postal . ->
Creating a CAPTCHA with PHP (2007-04-30) Website Spider and Visitor Usability (2009-04-02) . Simple PHP-CAPTCHA, - dPhoto - nice looking dir index'r - Colorpicker . ->
Creating a PHP Captcha | PHP and Web Development Blog
Captchas are images that are meant to tell the difference between a person and a . Below is an easy to implement PHP captcha script and example implementation. . ->
HN CAPTCHA (ocr, compare, wordpress) - PHP Classes
Generate a form or formpart with a CAPTCHA picture. . I managed to install Boriel's plug-in, based on HN Captcha PHP class. Wordpress Captcha (antispam) . ->
Form Captcha
Hihgly customizable captcha to avoid spam in forms, available as a . HotDreamweaver PHP Toolbar. HotDreamweaver ASP Toolbar. Form to Mail. Form Validator . ->
PHP captcha script
PHP captcha script is a class to use if you want to prevent automated submissions and spam bots . not all that this great PHP captcha class can do! We can . ->