Data Element Definitions (DRAFT)
Organization's Unique Protocol ID * FDAAA . Definition: Protocol title intended for the lay public. . Official name of the protocol provided by the study . ->
Replace id# with the Protocol Identification number (PID), a unique, assigned . may find this number called a protocol ID or (PID), an Ethernet type (or E-type) . ->
STP: Spanning Tree Protocol in IEEE 802.1D
Port ID (2) M-Age (2) Max Age (2) Hello (2) FD (2 Bytes) Protocol ID - Always 0. Version - Always 0. . Root BID - Contains the Bridge ID of the Root Bridge. . ->
IS-IS: Intermediate System to Intermediate System Routing Protocol (ISO .
It is a link-state protocol where IS (routers) exchange routing information. Version/protocol ID extension - Equal to 1. . ->
TCP / IP Suite |ATMP | L2F | L2TP | PPTP | DHCP | DVMRP | ICMP | ICMPv6 .
Protocols for WAN, LAN, ATM data communications and telecommunications . Protocol ID. The Protocol ID uses the first 4 bits of this field and is set to 1000. . ->
Protocol Directory: Frame Relay
. protocols . Level Protocol ID) field designates what encapsulation or what . Network Level Protocol ID, adminstered by ISO and CCITT. Identifies the . ->
W3C WD: Simple MUX Protocol Specification
Protocol ID Numbering. Graceful Release. Disgraceful Release. Message Boundaries. Flow Control . Stack ID's in the range of 0x20100-0x3FFFF are allocated by . ->
Setting a Wildcard Protocol ID Local Address Mask
X.25 Addressing -- HP X.25/9000 Programmer's Guide, HP Part Number 'J2793 . The server specifies the protocol ID for its listen socket in the x25pid field . ->
On the Use of Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) with IPsec
Protocol ID ! Port ! +-+-+-+-+FQDN 1 Identification Data . Protocol ID ! Port ! . The Payload Length, ID Type, Protocol ID, and Port fields of the included . ->
IS-IS routing protocol, ISO CLNP and ISO IGRP, Connectionless Network .
. this tutorial covering topics such as Connectionless Network Protocol, Internediate System to Intermediate System. . Version/Protocol ID Extension - Set to 1. . ->