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    protocol it

    Time:2010-04-07 12:02From:Elec_Intro Editor:Tiny Click:
    RFC 1459 (rfc1459) - Internet Relay Chat Protocol . Relay Chat Protocol . Abstract The IRC protocol was developed over the last 4 years . See the protocol grammar rules for what may and may not be . -> RFC 2371 (rfc2371) - Transaction Inter
    protocol it

    RFC 1459 (rfc1459) - Internet Relay Chat Protocol
    . Relay Chat Protocol . Abstract The IRC protocol was developed over the last 4 years . See the protocol grammar rules for what may and may not be . ->
    protocol it

    RFC 2371 (rfc2371) - Transaction Internet Protocol Version 3.0
    RFC 2371 - Transaction Internet Protocol Version 3.0 . It is envisioned that this protocol will be used mainly for a transaction . ->
    protocol it

    RFC 4251: The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Architecture
    It consists of three major components: o The Transport Layer Protocol [SSH-TRANS] . It runs over the transport layer protocol. . ->
    protocol it

    The TLS Protocol Version 1.0 (RFC 2246)
    One advantage of TLS is that it is application protocol independent. . who will be implementing the protocol and those doing cryptographic analysis of it. . ->
    protocol it

    Venky's WorldWarning: Dangerous DownloadsThe new yahoo protocol is really right up there when it comes to security unlike . indicates the version number of the protocol. This is followed by 2 bytes .www.venkydude.com/articles/yahoo.htm - CachedWebmaster Tools: Improve your site's visibility in Google Search
    The Sitemap Protocol allows you to inform search engines about URLs . The protocol was written to be highly scalable so it can accommodate sites of any size. . ->
    protocol it

    IMAP Configuration
    IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. It is a method of accessing electronic mail or bulletin board messages that are kept on a (possibly shared) mail . ->
    protocol it

    RWhois, Referral Whois Protocol
    . considered a generic directory services protocol, it distinguishes itself from . by a server indicating which protocol versions it supports and which . ->
    protocol it

    Actor Object Protocol - Moonbase
    It consists of four methods: protocol Actor # Submits the given message to this actor's mailbox. . the scope of this protocol, # although it is suggested . ->
    protocol it

    Fix protocol: freeware downloads
    Fix protocol: Free Http Header Browser, In-process web-server, supports PHP, ASP.Net, . It's perfect for all who learn http protocol, internet programers . ->
    protocol it
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