Quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quantum bits can be used to allow more information to be communicated per bit . Quantum computers can generate true randomness, thus give more veracity to . ->
Quantum Physics .
The Quantum Theory can be summarized by these four main ideas: . A quantum (or packet) of light can be considered both a particle and a wave, and . ->
quantum: Definition, Synonyms from Answers.com
quantum n. , pl. -ta . A quantity or amount. A specified portion. Something that can be counted or measured . electron can be said to be the quantum of the . ->
Quantum Theory
Quantum Superposition Principle. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle . electromagnetic radiation can be fully explained by the quantum theory of photons. . ->
Introduction to quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quantum-mechanical computers, if they can be constructed, will do. things no . "Anyone who can contemplate quantum. mechanics without getting dizzy hasn't . ->
The Quantum Reality Map - A look at the philosophy of quantum theory
quantum theory is once again in the public imagination. . The quantum reality map can help us realize four aspects of mysticism: the . ->
Entangled Up in Twos
Austrian researchers show quantum entanglement across the Danube River, providing new promise in cryptography and computing . particle can spin clockwise . ->
Quantum Physics Quackery (Skeptical Inquirer January 1997)
Skeptical overview of QM and consciousness connection. . How an apparent instantaneous "quantum leap" can be made between two points in space. . ->