Quantum chaos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FREE to access in Classical & Quantum Gravity - Lectures from the Proceedings of . Before 1984 classical and quantum gravity articles appeared in Journal of . ->
Quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
quantum chaos ( ′kw?nt?m ′kā′?s ) ( quantum mechanics ) The dynamics of quantum systems whose classical counterparts exhibit chaotic ->
correspondence principle: Definition from Answers.com
correspondence principle n. The principle that predictions of quantum theory approach those of classical physics in the limit of large quantum ->
Multidimensional Quantum-Classical Correspondence
The problem of quantum-classical correspondence is a classic since the . Now, given a classical Hamiltonian one first needs the quantum Hamiltonian. . ->
Quantum Computers: What are They and What Do They Mean to Us?
. since 1980 when quantum theory was applied to the classical Turing machine, the . the micoworld of quantum effects, where classical rules no longer apply. . ->
The Space-Time Foundation of Quantum Physics
This revolutionary paper shows that quantum phenomena are natural consequences of . Quantum phenomena, on the other hand, take place at scales that classical . ->
Quantum Consciousness
. overcome, then present day classical computers may evolve to quantum computers. . classical states by environmental decoherence the quantum state would be . ->
Between classical and quantum
The relationship between classical and quantum theory is of central importance to the philos . observables from quantum theory. Thus the classical world is . ->