Quantum operation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Each operator may be authorized for specific Quantum operations. This allows you . Quantum's menus automatically adjust for the operator's. security rights. . ->
Forming Quantum Operators
. that a fundamental assertion of quantum mechanics is that we create operators of . THIS IS THEN THE QUANTUM OPERATOR FOR THE OBSERVABLE. . ->
Anti-symmetric operator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quantum groups; quantum operator algebras and related symmetries. . This is version 6 of Quantum operator algebras in QFT, born on 2009-03-03, modified 2009-03-19. . ->
PlanetPhysics: quantum super-operators
Quantum Super-Operators . with a microscopic entropy (quantum) super-operator. . volume, quantum logic, representations, Einstein, diagram, operator, mixed . ->
Operators in Quantum Mechanics
. each measurable parameter in a physical system is a quantum mechanical operator. Such operators arise because in quantum mechanics you are describing nature with . ->
DICE Corporation -Central Station Monitoring Software
Quantum Operator is a new system designed by Dice Corporation, one of the . Quantum Operator never takes a break, is courteous to every client it calls, and . ->
PlanetMath: quantum super-operators
Quantum Super-operators . (or Lyapounov function) with a microscopic entropy (quantum) super-operator $M . operator $T$ represents internal time and the . ->
Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
. mechanics there corresponds a linear, Hermitian operator in quantum mechanics. . observables and their corresponding quantum operators (single particle) . ->