Quantum Information Theory Group at Pavia, Italy
QUIT wants to establish the ultimate achievable quantum performance limits and actually design feasible implementations, for new experiments on foundations and for . ->
Quantum optics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The mysteries of quantum-optics studied from the physicist's perspective. . is quantized so essentially all field properties are pertinent in quantum-optics. . ->
Quantum Optics and Atom Optics links
A list of web research resources for quantum optics and atom optics. . Aephraim Steinberg's Laser Cooling and Quantum Optics Group (U. Toronto) . ->
Caltech Quantum Optics
. home page of Professor Jeff Kimble's quantum optics group at Caltech. . "Quantum State Engineering and Precision Metrology Using State . Quantum . ->
Welcome to Quantum Optics
Welcome to Quantum Optics. We specialize in timely delivery and competitive . Call us for a quote! ( 877) 251-0822. . ->
Quantum Optics
Quantum Optics. Quantum Optics is the study of radiation and matter in the . Departmental research in quantum optics spans a wide range of the above topics. . ->
Quantum Optics & Quantum Information, Universiteit Leiden
Quantum Optics & Quantum Information. Home Page. Our research combines the quantum aspects of light with intriguing classical . ->
Quantum Optics
Quantum Optics. Bose-Einstein Condensation. Dr. Brian Anderson. . Nonlinear and Quantum Optics . the Nonlinear and Quantum Optics Group includes ultrashort . ->
Quantum Optics Theory
Quantum Optics theory in Auckland is carried out under the direction . Statistical Methods in Quantum Optics 2: Non-Classical Fields by Howard J. Carmichael . ->