Realtime Operating System
RTOS (1) ( R eal T ime O perating S ystem) An operating system designed for use in a real-time computer system . List of real-time operating systems for a . ->
What is real-time operating system? - a definition from .
A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system that guarantees a certain . In a "soft" real-time operating system, the assembly line would continue to . ->
Embedded Systems/Real-Time Operating Systems - Wikibooks, collection of .
Real-time operating system. A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is a computing . A game that has a real-time operating system for its environment can feel like an . ->
RTOS - Real-time operating system: LynxOS from LynuxWorks (formerly .
Real-time operating system for complex embedded systems . Boards for Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS) from MPI from Systems Integration Plus, . ->
Real-Time Operating Systems
A real-time operating system (RTOS) offers services that allow tasks to be performed . Real-time operating systems use a wide variety of algorithms for making . ->
QNX Neutrino RTOS
Middleware, development tools, realtime operating system software and services . Time-tested and field-proven, the QNX Neutrino RTOS sets the industry standard . ->
Real-Time Operating Systems: INtime Architecture
. Windows XP Embedded platforms, allowing real-time applications to run in a . the Windows operating system does not display hard real-time characteristics. . ->
Green Hills Software, Inc.
Embedded real-time operating systems, integrated development environments and . The INTEGRITY Real-Time Operating System uses hardware memory protection to isolate . ->
Basic concepts of real-time operating systems
The "kernel" of a real-time operating system ("RTOS") provides an "abstraction layer" . Figure 2: Basic Services Provided by a Real-Time Operating System Kernel . ->