THYMIDINE, [Methyl-3" />


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    thymidine 3h

    Time:2009-01-12 06:29From:Elec_Intro Editor:Tiny Click:
    THYMIDINE, [Methyl-3H] : MP Biomedicals : Buy Online Sp. Act. 20 Ci/mmol; 740 GBq/mmol Ethanol: water solution (7:3) Please inquire . Life Sciences " Radiochemicals " Radiological Compounds " THYMIDINE, [Methyl-3H] . -> THYMIDINE, [Methyl-3
    thymidine 3h

    THYMIDINE, [Methyl-3H] : MP Biomedicals : Buy Online
    Sp. Act. 20 Ci/mmol; 740 GBq/mmol Ethanol: water solution (7:3) Please inquire . Life Sciences " Radiochemicals " Radiological Compounds " THYMIDINE, [Methyl-3H] . ->
    thymidine 3h

    THYMIDINE, [Methyl-3H] : MP Biomedicals : Buy Online
    Sp. Act. 1-10 Ci/mmol; 37-370 GBq/mmol Sterile aqueous solution. HPLC Analyzed for Purity . Radiochemicals " Radiological Compounds " THYMIDINE, [Methyl-3H] . ->
    thymidine 3h

    Thymidine - Carbon 14, Carbon 13, Nitrogen 15, and tritium labeled .
    Thymidine - Moravek Biochemicals Carbon 14, Carbon 13, Nitrogen 15, and tritium labeled compounds . MT 846W Thymidine, [5'-3H] . MT 6034 Thymidine, [methyl-3H] . ->
    thymidine 3h

    2'-DEOXYADENYLYL(3'->5')-THYMIDINE, [3H]- MT1549 1 MCI $1465.00
    Deoxyadenylyl thymidine - Moravek Biochemicals carbon 14 and tritium labeled compounds . Deoxyadenylyl thymidine. MT 1549 2'-Deoxyadenylyl(3'->5')-thymidine, [3H] . ->
    thymidine 3h

    Proliferation Assay: [3H] Thymidine incorporation
    Proliferation Assay: [3H] Thymidine incorporation. Contributor: Suprya Jayadev . hours before cells are to be harvested, add 1 μCi/ml [3H]-TdR to each well. . ->
    thymidine 3h

    thymidine-cell cycle citations
    Cell cycle articles relating to 'thymidine' . 3H-thymidine-labeling index as a prognostic indicator in node-positive breast cancer. . ->
    thymidine 3h

    Blastogenesis 3H Thymidine Incorporation)
    Add 3H-Thymidine to the culture medium for 4-6 hours. . DNA may be isolated from the cells to ensure that the 3H-Thymidine is in the DNA. . ->
    thymidine 3h

    Calculation of Cell Production from [3H]Thymidine Incorporation with .
    . of Cell Production from [3H]Thymidine Incorporation with Freshwater Bacteria . This suggests that incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA is probably limited . ->
    thymidine 3h

    The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Research Foundation
    The uptake of [3H]thymidine into DNA (trichloroacetic acid precipitable) was . Increased [3H]thymidine incorporation was also seen when human lymphocytes were . ->
    thymidine 3h

    Dec1999: [3H]Thymidine Incorporation into Whole Liver as an Alternative .
    ABSTRACT with KEYWORDS: thymidine; liver; hepatectomy . [ 3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA was <5% of the total amount of administered . ->
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