Automation Systems - MicroLogix 1200 Controllers
1762-L40AWAR. 24 inputs. 16 outputs. Input Specifications. Cat. No. 1762-L24AWA, 1762-L40AWA. 1762-L24AWAR, 1762-L40AWAR. 1762-L24BWA, 1762-L24BXB, 1762-L40BWA, . ->
Automation Systems - MicroLogix 1200 Controllers
The MicroLogix 1200/1762 system provides functionality between . 1762-L40AWAR. 24 inputs. 16 outputs. Input Specifications. Cat. No. 1762-L24AWA, 1762-L40AWA . ->
1762-UM001D-EN-P, MicroLogix 1200 Programmable Controllers User Manual
Figure 3.4 1762-L40AWA and 1762-L40AWAR. ATTENTION . 1762-L40AWAR. Group 0. AC COM 0. I/0 through I/3. Group 1. AC COM 1. I/4 through I/7. Group 2 . ->
1762-TD001C-EN-P, MicroLogix 1200 Programmable Controllers
1762-L40AWA, -L40AWAR. 120/240V ac (10) Standard 24V dc (4) Fast 24V dc (10) Relay . 1762-L40AWA, -L40AWAR. 1762-L24BWA, -L24BXB, -L40BWA, -L40BXB . ->
1762-IN006B-EN-P MicroLogix' 1200 Programmable Controllers Installation .
1762-L40AWA, -L40AWAR. 120/240V ac (24) 120V ac (16) relay. 1762-L40BWA, -L40BWAR. 120/240V ac . 1762-L24AWAR, -L40AWAR. 1762-L24BWA, -L24BXB, -L40BWA, -L40BXB . ->
MicroLogix selection
1762-L24BXBR (12) 120 Vac (12) Relay. n/a. 1 (Basis) + 1 (LRP) 1764 . 1762-L40AWAR (24) 24 Vdc (16) Relay. 4 @ 20 kHz. 1. 1762-L40BWA (24) 24 Vdc (16) Relay . ->
PLCCenter Parts List 10878 Parts List Page 10878. Radwell remanufactures and stocks MRO industrial surplus automation equipment and is an industrial repair service center . ->
PLCCenter Parts List 10879 Parts List Page 10879. Radwell remanufactures and stocks MRO industrial surplus automation equipment and is an industrial repair service center . ->
1762 MicroLogix 1200 System
1762-L24BWA . 1762-L24BXB . 1762-L40AWAR . ->
China Packaging Machinery, Packaging Machinery Catalog, China Packaging .
China Packaging Machinery catalog and Packaging . L40AWAR 1762-L40BWA 1762-L40BWAR 1762-L40BXB 1762-L40BXBR 1762-MM1 1762-MM1RTC 1762-IA8 1762-IQ16 . ->