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    boolean char

    Time:2009-12-25 16:25From:Elec_Intro Editor:Tiny Click:
    CLHS: Function CHAR=, CHAR/=, CHAR . char-equal rest characters+ => generalized-boolean . char= returns true if all characters are . -> CharKeyBooleanMap (Primitive Collections for Java API v1.2) This interface represents maps from char val
    boolean char

    CLHS: Function CHAR=, CHAR/=, CHAR<, CHAR>.
    char-equal &rest characters+ => generalized-boolean . char-not-lessp &rest characters+ => generalized-boolean . char= returns true if all characters are . ->
    boolean char

    CharKeyBooleanMap (Primitive Collections for Java API v1.2)
    This interface represents maps from char values to boolean values. . put(char key, boolean value) . public boolean get(char key) Maps a specified key to a value. . ->
    boolean char

    BooleanKeyCharMap (Primitive Collections for Java API v1.2)
    This interface represents maps from boolean values to char values. . put(boolean key, char value) . public char get(boolean key) Maps a specified key to a value. . ->
    boolean char

    MaskedTextProvider Constructor (String, CultureInfo, Boolean, Char .
    Initializes a new instance of the MaskedTextProvider class using the specified . MaskedTextProvider Constructor (String, CultureInfo, Boolean, Char, Char, Boolean) . ->
    boolean char

    Character (Java 2 Platform SE 5.0)
    static boolean. isDigit(char ch) Determines if the specified character is a digit. . public static boolean isHighSurrogate(char ch) . ->
    boolean char

    Characters (The Java? Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Numbers .
    boolean isLetter(char ch) boolean isDigit(char ch) . boolean isWhitespace(char ch) Determines whether the specified char value is white space. . ->
    boolean char

    StringUtils (Commons Lang 2.4 API)
    space - the space character (' ', char 32) . Where a boolean or int is being . public static boolean contains(java.lang.String str, char searchChar) . ->
    boolean char

    Java Primitive Data Types
    List all Java . To declare a char variable, simple place it between single . boolean -- Boolean char -- Character* byte -- Byte short -- Short . ->
    boolean char

    FieldDef Constructor (GroupDef, Int32, String, String, Boolean, Char .
    Initializes a new instance of the FieldDef class. . xmlTag : String, xmlNamespace : String, leftJustified : boolean, padChar : char . ->
    boolean char

    Class Character
    public static boolean isDefined(char ch) . public static boolean isDigit(char ch) Determines whether the specified character is a digit. . ->
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