Brycetech: Boolean with imported objects
Prepare for DXF Boolean Operation . RDS boolean. Import your object into Bryce in the usual manner by selecting "File" from the . ->
import Boolean.Algebra import Prelude hiding((&&),(||),not,and,or,any,all) . darcs get . ->
. Boolean.TestCases where import Boolean.Algebra import Test.QuickCheck import . x' && y === y') --x === y = toBool x == toBool y -- semi-boolean properties . ->
OpenModelingFramework: Model::Import Class Reference
Import () const OMF::Boolean & isClustered () const. void . const OMF::Boolean& Model::Import::isClustered. const. OMF::Boolean Model::ModelElement::isFrozen . ->
Importing Graphics into Boolean Controls and Indicators - LabVIEW 8.5 Help
. can use the Control Editor window to import graphics into Boolean controls and . Right-click the Boolean control or indicator and select Import from File from . ->
MasterKey.Import Method (String, String, String, Boolean) (Microsoft .
Loads the database master key from the file that is located at the specified system path by using the specified passwords to decrypt and encrypt the master key, and . ->
The Import method recursively copies the values of all the properties of the . [in, optional] Boolean value that indicates whether to remove existing objects . ->
ImportDeclaration (DynamicJava API (dynamicjava-20090416-r4868))
Creates a new import declaration node . boolean. isPackage . Returns true if the identifier represents a static import, false otherwise. boolean . ->
BooleanAPI - booleannet - How to use the programming interface in .
import boolean engine = boolean.Engine( mode='async', text=text ) engine. . import random from boolean import Engine, util def local_setvalue( state, name, . ->
IOHandler (Apache Jackrabbit 1.4 API)
. can run a successful import based on the specified context. boolean . Runs the import for the given context and indicates by a boolean return value, . ->