Emitter-coupled logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
. role in determining the performance of the ECL circuit, (see other FAQs) . For a listing of PRL products using ECL Circuits, click here . ->
ECL Circuits
ECL Circuits. The next application specific resistor/ capacitor network is . Five different circuit variations are available. . ->
BIGpedia - Emitter coupled logic - Encyclopedia and Dictionary Online
This means that ECL circuits generate relatively little power noise, unlike many . ECL circuits usually operate with negative power supplies, and use logic levels . ->
ECL - Emitter Coupled Logic
Common terms used when refering to ECL circuits: Vee: Negative power, typically -5.2 V. . most ECL circuits VCC is ground. On TTL-ECL translator circuits VCC . ->
voltage signal in ECL circuits should take the negative logic convention in nature. . operations, the synthesis technique for ECL circuits will be enhanced. . ->
ECL Design Principles
Circuit Architecture. Emitter coupled logic (ECL) is a non-saturating form of . The basic ECL circuit is usually enhanced in practice with subcircuits that . ->
ECL/TTL conversion circuit and translation programmable array logic .
A circuit (90) converts a true ECL signal to a true TTL signal. . Output disable control circuit for ECL programmable array logic device. June, 1989 . ->
Trigger a TTL circuit from ECL levels - 11/8/2001 - EDN
ECL circuits typically have relatively small logic spans of approximately 800 mV. . Trigger a TTL circuit from ECL levels. Edited by Bill Travis . ->
Article for Printed Circuit Design
Figure 1 is a schematic of an ECL differential signaling circuit. A single ended logic signal . Box A and Box B. In ECL circuits, this window can be as large . ->